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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Hierarchical Network Model of Semantic Memory

               Hierarchical Network Model of Semantic Memory
                               (Collins & Quillian, 1969)

                                      Basic Ideas

1.  Information is stored in categories.

2.  Categories are logically related to each other in a hierarchy:  Broad categories of information, like “animal”, are subdivided into narrower categories, like “bird” and “fish”, which in turn are subdivided into still narrower categories. 

3.  “Cognitive Economy”:  Information stored at one level of the hierarchy is not repeated at other levels.  A fact is stored at the highest level to which it applies.  For example, the fact that birds breathe is stored in the ANIMAL category, not the BIRD category.

           How Information About Animals Would Be Organized 

     Has skin

 Has wings
 Can fly
 Has  feathers     
    Has fins
    Can swim
    Has  gills     



This is also a theory about retrieval from LTM.   To study retrieval, subjects are given simple statements and are asked to respond “true” or “false” as quickly as possible.  Researchers measure the “reaction time”, the time between presentation of a statement and the response.  This is called a “speeded verification task.”

Reaction time has a long history in experimental psychology.  Generally, it has been used as a measure of the complexity of mental processes.  The assumption is that the longer it takes you to respond to a stimulus, the more mental steps you had to go through to make that response.

Suppose the statement is, “A canary can sing.”  When you hear, “A canary”, this activates the canary category in memory.  You then scan the properties of the canary category for relevant information.  If you find it, you stop the search process and respond.  In this case, you would respond “true”.

Suppose the statement is “A canary has wings.”  You start by performing the same steps as before, but you don’t find relevant information.  So you follow the line up to the next category, BIRD.  You then scan the contents of the category for relevant information.  You find “has wings” in this category so you stop the search and respond “true”. 

This is 2 steps more than you had with the previous statement.  Mental steps take time to perform.  Your reaction time should be longer than it was to “A canary can sing”.

Suppose the statement is, “A canary eats.”  You go through all the steps you did with the previous statement plus 2 more:  move up one level of the hierarchy to ANIMAL, then scan the properties.

The retrieval process is similar to a form of logical deduction called a syllogism.  In a syllogism you are given two premises and then a conclusion.  The first premise is a general principle, like “All humans are mortal.”  The second premise is a specific case, like “Socrates is a human.”  Then comes a conclusion:  “Socrates is mortal.” 

With the statement, “A canary eats”, it’s like you think, “All animals eat.  A canary is an animal.  Therefore, a canary eats.” 

Do we use deductive processes in retrieval?  True or False:  ABRAHAM LINCOLN HAD A PANCREAS.

How did you know?  Did you learn that specific fact in grade school when you went over the presidents?  And how did you know that canaries eat?  That’s the kind of reasoning that the model assumes takes place when you retrieve information from the hierarchy.  You don’t just recall facts.  You put facts together logically.


Subjects were given a number of statements requiring recall from different levels of the hierarchy.  The sentences related to a variety of topics, not just animals, but will be illustrated with sentences starting with “A canary...”   There was a mixture of true and false sentences.  Only results for true sentences will be presented.
(see graph – 1)
You can also measure the time it takes to scan a category.  Present a statement that only requires the subject to get to a category but not scan it, like “A canary is a bird.”  Compare that to “A canary can fly.”
The reaction time for the second statement should be longer because it requires one extra step:  looking at the properties stored in the BIRD category.  This prediction was supported.  
(see graph – 2)

One thing that literally doesn’t add up here is that the reaction time for “is a bird” at Level 1 is shorter than the reaction time for “can sing” at Level 0.  The Level 1 sentence should take longer because it includes Level 0’s steps plus the extra step of going to Level 1. 

There are several major predictions of the theory that turned out to be wrong.  Each of these represents an effect that a theory of semantic memory must somehow explain.


                           “A canary...”

                 1.5                           can fly

                            can sing
  Time         1.2


                                  0                 1                 2          
                                     Levels of True Sentences

                  “A canary...”

                 1.5                           can fly

                            can sing
  Reaction                                                        is an animal
  Time         1.2                                 is a bird

                  1.0     is a canary

                                  0                 1                 2          
                                     Levels of True Sentences

 Problems with Hierarchical Theory

Typicality effect:  All instances of a concept are not equally good examples of it.

Familiarity effect:  Familiar terms are verified faster than unfamiliar terms regardless of their position in the hierarchy.

Direct concept-property associations:  This is the most important because it violates the assumption of cognitive economy.  Properties are associated with each category in the hierarchy, not just the highest category.

Problem         Sample Sentences           Model Predicts       Finding

Familiarity   A.  A bear is an animal.        B faster              A faster    
Effect         B.  A bear is a mammal.       than A.               than B.

Typicality    C.  A robin is a bird.             C = D                 C faster    
Effect         D.  An ostrich is a bird.                                  than D.

Concept-     E.  An animal breathes.         E faster              E = F
Property      F.  A bird breathes.              than F.

Network models
Collins and Quillian (1969) proposed that semantic knowledge is underpinned by a set of nodes, each representing a specific feature or concept, which are all connected to one another. Nodes that related in some way, such as often coincident in time, are more strongly connected.
For example, in the model developed by Collins and Quillian (1969), each node represents a specific word, such as "bird". Each node is stored together with a set of properties, such as "has wings" or "can fly. Furthermore, in this model, connections link categories to exemplars, representing a hierarchical arrangement. For example, "bird" is connected to "chicken". Features, such as "can fly" are stored only at the category level, such as "bird", in which they represent key properties.
To retrieve this knowledge, some cue or stimulus activates one set of nodes, which then activate other related nodes, called spreading activation. To illustrate, in response to the question "Is a chicken a bird", the time to answer this question depends on the number of connections that intervene between the node that represents chicken and the node that represents "bird".
Collins and Loftus (1975) then refined this model. They weighted the connections to explain the typicality effect-the finding that typical instantiations of a category are recognized more rapidly. Nevertheless, this model cannot explain a finding, observed by Glass, Holyoak, and Kiger (1979), that individuals can readily respond to questions that are patently false, like "Is a chicken a meteor". In this instance, the nodes are far apart, but the responses are rapid.
Later, more sophisticated network models were developed (for an example, see Cravo & Martins, 1993). These models are similar to the propositions proposed by Collins and Loftus (1975). However, each node might represent some other element, like a concept or feature, rather than merely a word. Furthermore, the links or connections can represent a variety of relationships, not just hierarchy.

Collins and Quillians Network Model
An older model still in use today is that knowledge is represented in terms of a hierarchical semantic (related to meaning as expressed in languagei.e., in linguistic symbols) network. A semantic network is a web of elements of meaning (nodes) that are connected with each other through links (Collins & Quillian, 1969). Organized knowledge representation takes the form of a hierarchical tree diagram. The elements are called nodes; they are typically concepts. The connections between the nodes are labeled relationships. They might indicate category membership (e.g.,an is arelationship connecting pigto mammal), attributes (e.g., connecting furryto mammal), or some other semantic relationship. Thus, a network provides a means for organizing concepts. The exact form of a semantic network differs from one theory to another, but most networks look something like the highly simplified network shown in Figure 8.2. The labeled relationships form links that enable the individual to connect the various nodes in a meaningful way.

Spreading Activation Model of Semantic Memory   
                              (Collins & Loftus, 1975)

Like Collins & Quillian’s hierarchical network model, this theory says that long-term memory contains interconnected units of information.  These connections produce associations between the units (you think of one, you automatically think of the other) or pathways that control how you retrieve information (you must travel along the connecting lines).

Whereas Collins & Quillian say that the connections were based on logic (set-subset relationships), Collins & Loftus say that the connections are based on personal experience and are not necessarily logical.  Additional features of the spreading activation model are as follows.

1.  Concepts and properties are treated equally in the sense that each can be accessed directly.  In Collins and Quillian, properties are contained within concept categories:  To think of a property, like “can fly”, you first have to think of a category, like “bird”.

2.  Not only are properties linked to concepts, but also to other properties.  For example, “can fly” could be linked directly to “can sing”.  In Collins & Quillian, each of these is linked to a category.

3.  Links between units of information vary in length.  The longer the line between two units, the weaker is the degree of association between them.

Advantages of the model are that it can explain the familiarity effect, the typicality effect, and direct concept-property associations.  It’s biggest advantage is that it explains “priming”:  you are more likely to retrieve information from memory if related information (the “prime”) has been presented a short time before. 

The disadvantage is that you can’t predict reaction times in a verification task until you have mapped out the individual’s network of associations. The theory explains a lot but predicts very little.




Has engine

Suppose you are presented with the following statement in a verification task:

                            A bird is an animal.

When you hear “bird” and “animal”, this activates the elements in memory that correspond to those words.  The activation spreads out along all lines connected to the elements.  In order to respond “true”, the activation from each element must meet on the same line.  For comparison, consider the statement,
                            An insect is an animal.

The line connecting insect to animal is longer;  it’s a weaker association.  So it will take longer for the activation to meet on the line, and the reaction time will be longer.

This would be the typicality effect.  For this individual, an insect is a less typical member of the animal category than is a bird. 

Note that the property “breathes” is connected both to Animal and Bird.  In Collins and Quillian, it would be connected only to Animal.

Note the longer line between Aardvark and Animal than between Canary and Animal.  It should take longer to verify, “An aardvark is an animal” than “A canary is an animal.”  This would be an example of the familiarity effect.

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